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rio grande n.(美國和墨西哥之間的)格蘭得河。


Quebrada de humahuaca follows the line of a major cultural route , the camino inca , along the spectacular valley of the rio grande , from its source in the cold high desert plateau of the high andean lands to its confluence with the rio leone some 150 km to the south 格夫拉達?德烏馬瓦卡安沿著一條主要的文化路線,卡米諾印加,沿著里奧格蘭德壯觀的山谷,從安第斯山脈的高寒沙漠源頭到達與里奧萊昂南150公里的匯合處。

Situated in the valley of a small tributary of the rio grande , this adobe settlement consisting of dwellings and ceremonial buildings represents the culture of the pueblo indians of arizona and new mexico 陶斯印第安村位于里奧格蘭河一條支流的山谷中,主要用泥磚和石塊建成,村中有民居和宗教儀式建筑,它展示著亞利桑那州和新墨西哥州印第安人的文化。

Patricio ahumade junior , the mayor of brownsville , texas , just across the rio grande river from matamoros , mexico , says he will deny federal surveyors access to city land to plot locations for the fence 德克薩斯州布朗斯維爾的市長,剛剛從墨西哥的馬塔莫羅斯穿越格蘭德河,他說他將拒絕聯邦測量員到該城市的土地上為圍欄建筑測量位置。

The mayors have found support from an environmental groups who argued that the fence will disrupt the natural migration of wild life from the ( rio grande ) real grand river ( valley ) belly 市長們已從環保組織處得到了支持,環保組織認為此圍墻的建造將影響格蘭德河谷中野生動物自然的遷徙活動。

Mayors and city councils all along the rio grande river , which forms the border with mexico , are banding together in an effort to stop construction of the fence 格蘭德河形成了與墨西哥的邊境線,沿著這條河的所有市長和市議會正聚集在一起,致力于停止圍欄建筑。

Mayors and city councils all along the rio grande river which forms the border with mexico are banding together in an effort to stop construction of the fence 格蘭德河沿岸各市的市長和市政局聯合起來,試圖阻撓圍墻的建造。格蘭德河是美國和墨西哥的天然邊境。

The mayors have found support from environmental groups who argue that the fence would disrupt the natural migration of wildlife in the rio grande river valley 市長們得到了環保組織的支持,環保組織聲明邊界將干擾格蘭德河谷的自然界野生動物的遷徙。

Mayors and city councils all along the rio grande river , which forms the border with mexico , are banding together in an effort to stop construction of the fence 格蘭德河是美國和墨西哥的邊界,目前沿岸的各市市長和市委會成員正努力阻止圍墻的搭建。

Five of its “ top 10 “ are in asia , such as the yangtse , mekong , and ganges , though europe ' s danube and north america ' s rio grande are also included 這十條河川里有五條在亞洲,包括長江、湄公河、恒何,不過歐洲的多瑙河和北美的格蘭德河也榜上有名。

The mayors have found support from environmental groups who argue that the fence would disrupt the natural migration of wildlife in the rio grande river valley 市長們的做法得到環保組織的支持,他們認為圍墻會擾亂格蘭德河谷的野生動物自然遷徙。

Mayors and city councils all along the rio grande river , which forms the border with mexico , are banding together in an effort to stop construction of the fence 市長們和城市議會都沿著格蘭德河,格蘭德河是墨西哥的邊界,是阻止建設跨越邊界。

Koluk the polar bear goes headfirst into the pool at the albuquerque rio grande zoo in albuquerque , n . m . , on july 15 7月15日,在美國新墨西哥州格蘭惠河動物園里,一只北極熊把頭伸進水塘里喝水。 (多像一個剛洗過晾曬的狗熊玩具! )

R . c . van caenegem , legal history : a european perspective , london and rio grande : the hamledon press , 1991 . p . 127 亨利?皮雷納: 《中世紀歐洲經濟社會史》 ,樂文譯,上海人民出版社1964年版。第49頁。

Koluk the polar bear goes headfirst into the pool at the albuquerque rio grande zoo in albuquerque , n . m . , on july 15 7月15日,在美國新墨西哥州格蘭惠河動物園里,一只北極熊把頭伸進水塘里喝水。

903 10th street sw . adults 4 . 25 , children seniors 2 . 25 . click for the rio grande zoo events calendar 在索道上,你可以領略到秀麗的風光,看到在你腳下動物們奔跑的影子。

She is playing to a public that is more anti - american than any other south of the rio grande 費爾南德斯在公眾面前顯示出了比格蘭德河以南其他國家更為強烈的反美情緒。

Gunmetal sheen of sundown bathes craggy terrain where the rio grande cuts a tortuous path 崎嶇的山體被蜿蜒的里約格蘭地河切斷,在夕陽下呈現出暗灰色光澤。

Rio grande city 里奧格蘭德城

Do you still recall the frightful night we crossed the rio grande 你還記得我們穿過邊疆鐵騎軍,那個可怕的晚上嗎?